Saturday 20 November 2010

Filming Diary

Day 1: Monday 18th October 2010

Rahil and tatiana went to High Street Kensington to film the location for the begining of our film. We choose this to be the begining, as we wanted our audience to know where the film was based. We changed the setting of the camera to slow motion to add a effect.

Day 2: Wednesday 20th October 2010

All three of us went to tatianas house, as the film was going to take place there. We decided to take a shot of the road and street name to again show the location of the film.

Day 3: Friday 22nd October 2010

The four of us Rahil, Tatiana, Ali and Baker (Ali`s cousin) went to tatianas house to film the beginging of the film. we filmed Rahil, Ali, and baker walking to the house, coming back from the club. we intended to get more filming done, however we was not able to as tatianas family came back home and were making too much noise.

This was a problem we faced thoughout our filming as we had to constantly keep filming again as the camera was very sensitive and picked up any sound. This also affected us as baker was only available for a certain period of time.

Day 4: Tuesday 26th October 2010

Scene 2, Ali and Baker catching up as they havent seen each other in a long time. We decided to add some humour in this scene as we felt it was a good opprtunitie to make the audience laugh, which contrasts to what we want to achieve as a company.

Day 5: Thursday 28th October 2010

Scene 3, tatiana walking to the house to introduce herself to her new neighbours (Ali and Rahil). As she was walking to the house Ali spotted her from his window and immediatly falls in love with her.

The problems we faced with this scene was that it was too dark outside and Tatiana keept on slipping due to the weather conditions. In order to fix this problem we had to add more light so we got a torch and shinned it towards Tatiana which added some light. And for the slipping, well she had to watch her step.

Scene 4, Ali and Tatiana talking to each other. Tatiana welcoming Ali to the neighbourhood and Ali making a fool out of himself.

This was a great day for us as we were able to get more than one scene done which boosted our confidence, however, how little did we know.

Day 6: Thursday 4th November 2010

(It had been a week since we filmed due to baker not being available, this slowed us down and made us fall behind)

Scene 5, Ali and baker talking about what tatiana and alis conversation was about.

This was a poor start to november as we intended to get more done, but we was not able to as tatianas family were making too much noise and we had also run out of tape.

Day 7: Thursday 11th November 2010

(Due to the snow we was not able to film for a week and this again slowed us down and made us fall behind even more).

Scene 6, Rahil, walking into the room after alis and bakers converation about what tatiana and him was talking about. In this scene we saw some flirting between rahil and baker which contrasts to the genre of the film.

Day 8: Friday 12th November 2010

Scene 7, All 3 of the boys dancing to the soundtrack shaggy it wasnt me. Suddenly the lights turn of and Ali finds his brother (Rahil) on Bakers lap. This confuses alis thoughts of bakers sexuallity as he already knows that his brother is gay.

Day 9: Tuesday 16th November 2010

Scene 8, Ali goes downstairs to find out why the lights turned off while Baker and rahil stay upstairs and have a "friendly hug".

We was not able to carry on filming as Baker had to go home. This made us even more frustrated as we knew we was behind already.

Day 10: Thursday 18th November 2010

Scene 9, Ali comes upstairs holding a paper.

Scene 10, the three boys read the paper and ger scared.

Scene 11, the three boys decide to leave the house due to the unusual message which is on the paper "You hurt me, so be careful". As the 3 boys walk out of the room Ali throws the paper on the floor and they leave.

The ending shot of the film is a hand in night vision holding the paper after the boys leave the room.

Overall, there were many problems we faced which we could of handled better, however we got through it as a team and stuck together. Never the less we are still worried that all the problems we encountered could affect the overall outcome of our production.

Posted By SilverLight Productions

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Audience Feedback To Short Sequence

In order to get audience feedback we showed our fellow peers a rough-cut of our short film. We showed them the club scene from our film and in order to get the right feedback we asked them various questions which will help us improve are film.

The following questions we asked were:

Did you enjoy the sequence?

Do you think we should add any special effects?

Did you find the sequence funny?

Was the setting realistic?

What would you change to improve the sequence?

What was the best part of the sequence?

By watching this scene, are you interested in watching the rest of the short film?

Our fellow peers gave us very constructive feedback as they suggested what we should change, what was good about the film, and most importantly they all were interested in watching the rest of the short film, which was a real boost. They thought we should add more light to the club scene and some students thought we shouldn’t have added girls as it was supposed to be a gay club. However, they thought we did the setting really well as they really felt as if they were in a gay club.

A lot of the students liked the bit when Ali drags Baker and starts talking to him. They liked the camera work and thought it worked really well with the scene. While the students were watching the film we wanted a reaction from them as we produce comedy films one of our aims are to make our viewers laugh. While watching the scene all the students laughed and wanted to carry on watching the film as they were entertained by the scene and thought it was really funny. This is what we hope to achieve as a company as that is what we do, produce films that entertain are viewers.

Posted By SilverLight Productions

Monday 15 November 2010

Pictures During Filming

Pictures During Filming

This is us filming in Tatiana’s house, were the story is set.

While filming we took pictures of us acting. The things we did well were take quality shots that would help make the film better. We also worked together well, as we all decided what type of shot it should be and why that shot would be relevant. We took a variety of different pictures to show the different types of shots we took.

Things we didn’t do well were that the lighting wasn’t bright enough; therefore it made it difficult to so what was going on and the characters facial expressions. In order to fix this issue we re-took the shot again with lighter shining on the actors.

Posted By SilverLight