Wednesday 23 March 2011

PowerPoint Evaluation

When doing the PowerPoint we wanted to use the same type of colours and fonts as we have throughout all our productions. When talking about a certain convention, for example camera shots we chose pictures that reflect on the shot were talking about. We did this to show the audience what type of shot it is and for them to have a clear understanding of what the shot looks like. Next to the shots we put similar shots from our inspirations. For example we put a close up of Baker and next to the shot we put a shot of Bradley Cooper from the Hangover.
For each aspect we included, we had an image(s) and some bullet points highlighting our main aims, ideas and inspirations so that we could dig deeper form each point while talking. This made things easier to remember when doing the directors commentary.
 For example when answering question 4; how did you use technologies in the research, planning and evaluation stages, we spoke about the equipment we used. When talking about each equipment we put a picture of it to show what the piece of equipment looks like.

When organising the PowerPoint we had to make sure that the order of the slides were correct as when someone is talking about a certain aspect, for example lighting, we had to make sure that the slide was in right place.

When organising the PowerPoint we gave each other tasks to focus on. Tatiana was in charge of the background, Ali was in charge of the font and Rahil was in charge of putting the slides in order.

Posted By SilverLight Productions

Planning of Evaluation

When planning our evaluation we decided to divide each aspect of the question so that we have an equal amount to say.

Question 1: In what ways does your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
We all spoke about camera shots as we had a lot to say about that convention. Each of us took a shot from the film and spoke about it.
Rahil was going to speak about the lighting and soundtracks used in the film.
Tatiana was going to talk about the costume, props and character in the film.
Ali was going to talk about the location of our filming, dialogue and narrative.
Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks  
Rahil was going to talk about the brand identity and magazine.
Tatiana was going to talk about the company logo
Ali was going to talk about the poster
Question 3: What have you learnt from your audience feedback?
Tatiana was going to talk about the audience feedback
Question 4: How did you use technologies in the research, planning and evaluation stages?
Rahil was going to talk about the following technologies we used during the research and planning stages of our evaluation, Roto light and final cut
Tatiana was going to talk about the following technologies we used during the research and planning stages of our evaluation, Audio digital recorder, Coral Draw
Ali was going to talk about the following technologies we used during the research and planning stages of our evaluation, InDesign, Photoshop

We wanted the evaluation to be organised so we came up with an order scheme of Rahil, Tatiana and Ali. We found this way easy for us so that there was no confusion.

Posted By SilverLight Productions

Evaluation: Question 1

Posted By SliverLight Productions