Thursday 23 December 2010

Final Individual Poster Analysis

These are our final individual posters.  We got this intial idea from the Hangover, which was one of our main inspirations. They have individual posters of each characters with a tagline, which reflects each character's personalities. We thought this idea will work really well with our film as it would attract more attention from the audience and will inkeep with the theme and genre of the film.

However, we decided not to write the taglines on the posters as this would take the audience's attention from the characters and make them focus on all the wiritng.

For Rahil's poster we chose a white and pink background as it contrasts with the colours used in the magazine review, also pink reflects on his homosexual personality and the heart reflects on his platonic love for Baker.

For Ali's poster we decided to use a rather plain background to refllect on his personality and we chose purple as he wears purple in the film.

For Tatiana's poster we chose the colours wither and red, white to again reflcton the colours used in the magazine review and red as she wears red in the film and this colour represents love, passion, romance, lust and danger and these are all things that portray her character.

Posted By SilverLight Productions

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