Wednesday 6 October 2010

Target Audience Research

When thinking of a name for our film we had several ideas which we thought were good, so we could not make up our mind. So, we decided to go around and ask people what they thought was better. We did this in our school so there were two age groups that we asked. The students 16-19 year olds and the teachers 29+.
Here is the list of the names we came up with:
  • Regretful Night
  • I Told You So
  • Hitch Hicker Night
  • Wrong Decision
  • Midnight Death
  • Disasster Night
  • Desserted Night
  • Wrong Path
From the students 'I Told You So' had the most votes and from the teachers 'Wrong Decision' had the most votes; so beacuse our target audience are young people between 16-25 years old then we chose 'I Told You So'.

Also,when writting our target audience profile we also did some research among youngesters to see what kind of people they look up to.

This litle reseach that we did shows the importance of asking for your target audience's opinion so that your product is distributed and consumed appropriately.

Posted By SilverLight Productions

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