Thursday 21 October 2010

Questionnaire Results

We decided to do a questionnaire to look at our target audience's opinion of present comedy films and find out exactly what they look for in them.

1. How old are you?

16-18 (5)   19-21 (3)   21+ (2)

2. Are you a big fan of Comedy Films?

Yes (10)    No (0)

3. What is your favourite film genre?

Action (3)   Thriller (2)    Comedy (4)   Romance (1)

4. What do you most look for in a film?

Goodstory line (3)   Good Actors (4)   Good End (2)   Good Quality (1)

5. Have you ever watched a short Film?

Yes (10)   No (0)

6. Do you think a Comedy Thriller is a good genre for a film?

Yes (8)   No (2)

7. What type of Comedy do you most enjoy?

Burlesque (3)   Dark Comedy (2)   Caricature (1)   Irony (4)

8. When watching a Comedy Film how would you like the storyline to be?

Simple/Straightforwad (2)   Complexed (4)   With a Twist (4)

9. After watching a Comedy Film, what do you want the impact to be?

Entertained (5)   Ammused (0)   Suprised (1)   Want to make you laugh (3)   Happy (1)

10. What are the important aspects of a character when acting in a Comedy Film?

Funny (4)   Weird (0)   Silly (2)   Annoying (1)   Crazy (2)    Clever (1)

11. What is your general opinion on present Comedy Films?

Amazing (3)   Great (4)   Good (2)     O.K (1) Bad (0)    Others (please Specify)

12. Describe your ideal Comedy film?

Most people said: "The Hangover"  "Meet The Fockers"  and   "Rush Hour 1,2 and 3"

13. What is your favourite Comedy Film?

Again most people said: "The Hangover"   "Meet The Fockers"  and  "Rush Hour 1, 2, and 3"

We decided to question 16-21 year olds as they are our target audience. When asked "are you a big fan of comedy" they all said yes, which is a good thing because our genre is comedy which means we will be guaranteed that the majority of the audience will watch the film with an open mind.

Through the results we are able to see what our viewers want and how we could imporve our film to how they want to see a comedy film. The questionnaire gave us a insight to how we should produce our film and to what type of comedy we should use.

Posted By SilverLight Productions

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