Sunday 10 October 2010

Props used in short film


This was used to represent Tatiana’s character. Tatiana is a character that is flirtatious and rich. Therefore, we needed a prop that made her seem like this character. We used a Burberry bag, as Burberry are a Luxury Brand that are well known around the world for the goods they provide to their customers. We thought this would be an excellent prop to use which will show what type of character she is.


This prop was used to represent Ali’s character. Ali is a character that acts like a gangster who wants to impress all the girls. We thought a chain would be the perfect prop that makes him seem cool. Chains are usually worn by youths in gang’s; these items make them seem like common thugs and that is the impression they want to get across to other youths. Gangsters in society are seen as dangerous and violent this is not the impression we wanted the audience to get with Ali, he is more like a “sweet boy” who tries to be a “gangster”.

Posted By SilverLight Productions

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