Saturday 2 October 2010

New Idea

Unfortunatly our initial idea did not work out, as we had to rely on a lot of people to have free time so we could film. So we came up with a new idea. It is not very different to the idea we had before and all our inspirations remain the same as our genre still is comedy and our location is still the same.


Ali and Rahil are two brothers who have moved into a new house and area. Their parents has gone away for the weekend to visit their grandparents, so the brothers decide to go out and explore. Rahil is gay and Ali does not agree with that so he tries to set him straight. When they go out Ali makes a shocking discovery about one of his old mates that will dissaponit him. Ali then falls in love with his next door neighbour only to realise that was one of his biggest mistake. We have decided to add a bit of spice and interest so we turned it into a comedy horror. The name of our film has also changed to '

Posted By SilverLight Productions

1 comment:


    • 2 more short film analyses, focusing on the conventions used/subverted, the four key technical areas, how characters & narrative are portrayed in a short space of time.

    • 3 film magazine review analyses, focusing on style & layout, language & images, as well as noting on the conventions followed.

    • Results from your questionnaire, together with a brief summary outlining what you have learnt and how you will use this information in the construction of your film, poster & magazine review.

    • A storyboard (filmed & uploaded as an animatic) and a script, correctly formatted, following clear common conventions. Without a storyboard & script you can't get above an E!

    • Images for location scouting, costume & props, together with detailed reasons for why you are using these and images for all.

    • Would be worth adding in some specific character inspiration, with images of your characters and how they reflect other characters that you have seen on soaps/TV Shows etc.

    • Draft of your poster and magazine review, with writing that explains in detail each aspect of your poster and magazine review, noting why used. Link to conventions of posters & magazine reviews and use terms and justify reasons why you are creating it in this way. Link to the brand identity that you are trying to create.

    • Research & planning diary that outlines all that you have done for this stage.

    • Filming schedule, with dates and what you have filmed (written as if it is before you filmed)

    • Sort your font so there's one font for the whole blog.

    Student Marks Level Grade
    Rahil 10 High level 2 D
    Ali 10 High level 2 D
    Tatiana 10 High level 2 D
