Friday 1 October 2010

Filming schedule

Monday 18th October 2010: On this day we will film the location of our filming which is high street Kensington. We decided to start filming with this scene as we want out audience to know were the film is set.

Wednesday 20th October 2010: On this day we will go to Tatiana’s house, as most of scenes will take place in her house. We also took shots of the street name to show the location of our filming.

Friday 22nd October 2010: On this day we will all go to Tatiana’s house to film the beginning of the film. We will also film Ali, Rahil and Baker walking into Tatiana’s house, were it’s meant to look like they just came back from the club.

Tuesday 26th October 2010: On this day we will film scene 2, which will be Ali and Baker catching up as they haven’t seen each other for quite a long time. On this day we will try out best to add humour to make the film funny and entertaining.

Thursday 28th October 2010: On this day we will film scene 3, were Tatiana walks into the house and introduces her to the new neighbours which are (Ali and Rahil). In this scene we will also try to film Ali spotting Tatiana from the window and he supposed fall in love with her immediately.
On this day we will also film scene 4, were Ali and Tatiana are having a conversation and Tatiana introducing Ali to the neighbourhood and Ali making a fool out of himself.

Thursday 4th November 2010: On this day we will film scene 5, were Ali and Baker are talking about the conversation Ali had with Tatiana.

Thursday 11th November 2010: On this day we will try to film scene 6, were Ali and Baker will have a conversation about what Ali and Tatiana were talking about. In this scene we will also film Rahil and Baker flirting to portray the genre of the film.

Friday 12th November 2010: On this day we will try to film scene 7, on this we will try to film Ali, Baker and Rahil dancing to the soundtrack it wasn’t me by Shaggy, we will also film the lights turning off, which as a result Ali will have find his brother Rahil in Bakers arms.

Tuesday 16th November 2010: On this day we will film scene 8, were Ali will have to go downstairs to find out why the lights turned off while Baker and Rahil stay upstairs and have a "friendly hug".

Thursday 18th November 2010: On this day we will film scene 9, where Ali will have to come upstairs with a paper in his hand. We will also film scene 10, where all three of the boys Ali, Rahil and Baker read the paper and get scared. Finally we will film scene 11, which will have all three boys Ali, Rahil and Baker decide to leave the house as they are scared of the unusual message which was found on the paper, which states “you hurt me, so be careful”. We will also film Ali throwing the paper as the boys leave the room and the ending shot will be in night vision where an unknown hand will be holding the paper which was dropped on the floor.

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