Sunday 17 October 2010

Club Scene

Scene 2 of our short film is a club scene. To make the setting of this scene more realistic, we decided that it would be best to go and film this scene in a real club.
However we came across some problems that made this impossible for us to do.
We went to go to Soho as there are a lot of gay clubs and pubs and it is in Central London so the location was perfect. We tried to get permission from various gay clubs around but we did not succeed. One of the problems was that Ali is not 18 years-old yet so he would not have been allowed inside the club. The biggest issue however was that we found that gay people are very sensitive and defensive of their space and they did not like the idea of us filming around them.

We had to come up with a place to film this scene and make the setting look realistic in order to get the expected reaction from our audience. This became a problem again, as creating a club-like setting wit all the lights, loud music, drinks and amount of people would be very hard to accomplish productively.

We remember that there is a Green room with lights and curtains set up and we thought this would be the best place to film this.

After filming the club scene we were worried that it wasn't realistic enough so we decided to edit it and play it to our audience to see what they thought and what reaction we got from it. By doing this we realised that it was good enough and although there were a few thins we could have added to make it better, such as drinks and better music quality, we got the reaction we expected from our audience.

Posted By Silverlight Productions

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