Monday 11 October 2010

Sayeed and Christian from Eastenders

Baker and Rahil are two characters in the short film that start to get intimate with each other. Baker is denial of his sexuallity as he puts on a frunt to hide his emotions towards Rahil. Sayeed was the perfect inspiration to him as he is also denial of his sexuallity in the soap Eastenders. We wanted Baker to act a bit like Sayeed, but be more denial of the way he feels. Baker and Rahil are two charaters that see each other and want to have a relationship but can't due to the fact that Baker was one of Ali's best friends. Baker also doesn't want to lose his pride just like Sayeed in Eastenders.

Posted By SilverLight Productions

1 comment:

  1. Rahil, Tatiana & Ali- R & P feedback 4

    • Organise blog posts so that they are in clear chronological order and group similar posts together.

    • You MUST have a storyboard animatic. Without this you can’t get above an E!

    • Draft of your poster & magazine review, with writing that explains in detail each aspect of poster & magazine review, noting why they are used. Link to conventions of posters & magazine reviews and use terms and justify reasons why you are creating it in this way. Link to the overall brand identity that you are trying to create.

    • Have audience feedback on your initial rough-cut and what you did in light of this feedback (including the feedback from me). Mention any informal audience feedback that you have received from other student’s who have seen your film at various stages. Also, have final feedback on your film as and when this is collected and embed all this in your blog.

    • Have some screen grabs of the Final Cut interface, with different filters/techniques that you used and explanations of why these were used in relation to the style of your film etc.

    • Upload all the images that you took of characters for your poster/magazine, discussing the overall composition that you were going for and why; link to film/brand identity, and identify the final ones that you chose.

    • As you work on your poster & magazine, make sure that you upload images of the different stages (taking grabs from Photoshop & InDesign, as well as exporting PNG/JPEG files of the different stages) and get audience feedback on each stage.

    • Once you have finalised your posters, magazine & film, make sure that you upload & embed all of these.

    • Once you have finished them, you need to add on the powerpoint slides from your evaluation, under the heading for each key question (so four different posts), together with some bullet pointed notes on what you are going to discuss in your evaluation. As well as this, you will need to add in your completed evaluation commentary once finalised.

    Student Marks Level Grade

    Rahil 11 High Level 2 D

    Tatiana11 High level 2 D

    Ali 11- High Level 2 D
