Monday 4 October 2010

Company Logo

For our Company Logo, we chose to do something simple but eye-catching. And decided to use achromatic colours such as black and grey to keep it simple and straight forward. The black is a classic colour that goes with everything and so that the grey could stand out more and the grey to reflect on the 'silverlight'.
We used cursive handwriting as it gives it a smooth and elegant effect.

Grey background with light in the centre to reflect SilverLight.

1 comment:

  1. • 4 more short film analyses, focusing on the conventions used/subverted, the four key technical areas, how characters & narrative are portrayed in a short space of time.

    • 3 film magazine review analyses, focusing on style & layout, language & images, as well as noting on the conventions followed.

    • Results from your questionnaire, together with a brief summary outlining what you have learnt and how you will use this information in the construction of your film, poster & magazine review.

    • A storyboard (filmed & uploaded as an animatic) and a script, correctly formatted, following clear common conventions.

    • Images for location scouting, costume & props, together with detailed reasons for why you are using these.

    • Posts of any all inspirations (film, TV, photography, music, art etc), with embedded video/images and a brief description why.

    • Draft of your poster and magazine review, with writing that explains in detail each aspect of your poster and magazine review, noting why used. Link to conventions of posters & magazine reviews and use terms and justify reasons why you are creating it in this way. Link to the brand identity that you are trying to create.

    • More detailed explanation of your production logo, identifying why it is used and how it fits into your brand identity.

    • Research & planning diary that outlines all that you have done for this stage.

    Student Marks Level Grade
    Rahil 8 Low level 2 E
    Ali 8 Low level 2 E
    Tatiana 8 Low level 2 E
