Friday 15 October 2010

Why We Decided To Use Night Vision......

We decided to film the beginning of the short film in night vision as it was too dark to film. The scene we filmed in night vision was when Rahil, Ali, and Baker were coming back from the gay club. When we started filming it we realised that there wasn't enough light on the characters. However we found out that there was a night vision mode and thought that was the only way the characters were able to be seen. The night vision affect made it more clear, as before it was too dark. The audience would have had difficulties knowing what is happening in the scene.

The ending was also done in night vision. When Ali turns of the light the camera zooms into the paper, and a hand appears from out of no were. The night vision enables the audience to see more clearly as the ending was a crucial part of the short film. If the audience did not see the hand appear then the film would have not made sense and they wouldn't have understood the twist.

Posted By SilverLight Productions

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