Thursday 21 October 2010

Questionnaire Results

We decided to do a questionnaire to look at our target audience's opinion of present comedy films and find out exactly what they look for in them.

1. How old are you?

16-18 (5)   19-21 (3)   21+ (2)

2. Are you a big fan of Comedy Films?

Yes (10)    No (0)

3. What is your favourite film genre?

Action (3)   Thriller (2)    Comedy (4)   Romance (1)

4. What do you most look for in a film?

Goodstory line (3)   Good Actors (4)   Good End (2)   Good Quality (1)

5. Have you ever watched a short Film?

Yes (10)   No (0)

6. Do you think a Comedy Thriller is a good genre for a film?

Yes (8)   No (2)

7. What type of Comedy do you most enjoy?

Burlesque (3)   Dark Comedy (2)   Caricature (1)   Irony (4)

8. When watching a Comedy Film how would you like the storyline to be?

Simple/Straightforwad (2)   Complexed (4)   With a Twist (4)

9. After watching a Comedy Film, what do you want the impact to be?

Entertained (5)   Ammused (0)   Suprised (1)   Want to make you laugh (3)   Happy (1)

10. What are the important aspects of a character when acting in a Comedy Film?

Funny (4)   Weird (0)   Silly (2)   Annoying (1)   Crazy (2)    Clever (1)

11. What is your general opinion on present Comedy Films?

Amazing (3)   Great (4)   Good (2)     O.K (1) Bad (0)    Others (please Specify)

12. Describe your ideal Comedy film?

Most people said: "The Hangover"  "Meet The Fockers"  and   "Rush Hour 1,2 and 3"

13. What is your favourite Comedy Film?

Again most people said: "The Hangover"   "Meet The Fockers"  and  "Rush Hour 1, 2, and 3"

We decided to question 16-21 year olds as they are our target audience. When asked "are you a big fan of comedy" they all said yes, which is a good thing because our genre is comedy which means we will be guaranteed that the majority of the audience will watch the film with an open mind.

Through the results we are able to see what our viewers want and how we could imporve our film to how they want to see a comedy film. The questionnaire gave us a insight to how we should produce our film and to what type of comedy we should use.

Posted By SilverLight Productions

Wednesday 20 October 2010


1. How old are you?

16-18    19-21    21+

2. Are you a big fan of films?

Yes    No    More or less

3. What is your favourtite film genre?
(you may select more than one answer)

Action    Thriller     Comedy      Romance   Horror

4. What do you most look for in a film?
(you may select more than one answer)

Good storyline     Good actors     Good end      Good quality

5. Have you ever watched a short film?

Yes     No

6. Do you think a Comedy Thriller is a good genre for a film?

Yes      No

7. What type of Comedy do you most enjoy?
(you may select more than one answer)

Burlesque         Dark Comedy       Caricature      Irony

8. When watching a Comedy film how would you like the storyline to be?

Simple/straight forward       Complex With a twist          Other

9. After watching a Comedy film, what do you want the impact to be?

Entertained         Amused      Surprised       Make you laugh     Happy

10. What are the important aspects of a character when acting in a Comedy film?

Funny     Weird     Silly      Crazy         Annoying       Clever     others (please specify)

11. What is your general opinion of present Comedy films?

Amazing      Great      Good       O.k       Bad      Others (please specify)

12. Describe your ideal Comedy film in not more than five words

13. What is your favourite Comedy film? And why?

Posted By SilverLight Productions

Monday 18 October 2010

Images of Characters From Posters

These were the pictures we took for the poster, we decided to take a number of pictures as we wanted more options. We decided to go with the first picture as we thought it went well with the title and film. Through the picture we wanted to tell a story and wanted the audience to understand each character. For example by Ali having is shirt undone, the audience will immediately get the impression that he is a show off and has a load of confidence inside him.

Posted By SilverLight Productions

Images of Characters From Magazine

These are the different images we had taken for the front cover of our magazine article. We went for the first image as the front cover of our magazine as we though it went well with the title and the point we was trying to get across to the audience. With Tatiana being in the middle and Rahil and Ali being on both sides we thought that it worked well, as Tatiana is the centre of attention in the film.

Posted By Silverlight Productions

Sunday 17 October 2010

Club Scene

Scene 2 of our short film is a club scene. To make the setting of this scene more realistic, we decided that it would be best to go and film this scene in a real club.
However we came across some problems that made this impossible for us to do.
We went to go to Soho as there are a lot of gay clubs and pubs and it is in Central London so the location was perfect. We tried to get permission from various gay clubs around but we did not succeed. One of the problems was that Ali is not 18 years-old yet so he would not have been allowed inside the club. The biggest issue however was that we found that gay people are very sensitive and defensive of their space and they did not like the idea of us filming around them.

We had to come up with a place to film this scene and make the setting look realistic in order to get the expected reaction from our audience. This became a problem again, as creating a club-like setting wit all the lights, loud music, drinks and amount of people would be very hard to accomplish productively.

We remember that there is a Green room with lights and curtains set up and we thought this would be the best place to film this.

After filming the club scene we were worried that it wasn't realistic enough so we decided to edit it and play it to our audience to see what they thought and what reaction we got from it. By doing this we realised that it was good enough and although there were a few thins we could have added to make it better, such as drinks and better music quality, we got the reaction we expected from our audience.

Posted By Silverlight Productions

Saturday 16 October 2010

Where We Decided To Film

We decided to base the majority of our film in a house, as that fits the storyline. Tatiana's house was perfect as it was available and it is close to High Street Kensington. We needed a place with a good night life and that could be recognised by our audience so High Street Kensington was perfect in that sense. We decided to base most of our filming in a house as the storyline we produced will match the location perfectly because the main and most important scenes will happen in the house due to the fact as the story evolves when one of the characters has a free house as his parents have gone on a vacation. Another location we picked is High Street Kensington as it is very famous area with a good nightlife and as the characters will be going out during the night High Street Kensington is the perfect match as it also has nightclubs and the story will seem more realistic.

Posted By SilverLight Productions

Friday 15 October 2010

Why We Decided To Use Night Vision......

We decided to film the beginning of the short film in night vision as it was too dark to film. The scene we filmed in night vision was when Rahil, Ali, and Baker were coming back from the gay club. When we started filming it we realised that there wasn't enough light on the characters. However we found out that there was a night vision mode and thought that was the only way the characters were able to be seen. The night vision affect made it more clear, as before it was too dark. The audience would have had difficulties knowing what is happening in the scene.

The ending was also done in night vision. When Ali turns of the light the camera zooms into the paper, and a hand appears from out of no were. The night vision enables the audience to see more clearly as the ending was a crucial part of the short film. If the audience did not see the hand appear then the film would have not made sense and they wouldn't have understood the twist.

Posted By SilverLight Productions

Thursday 14 October 2010

Soundtracks Used

These soundtracks were used for our club scene. To resist copy right we only used 10 second samples of the 3 songs listed below. These songs helped create the mood of the club and it made the club scene seem more realistic
  • Chris Brown - Deuces
  • Iyaz - So Big 
  • Jeremiah - Birthday Sex 

Posted By SilverLight Productions

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Equipment: Dolly

A dolly is a piece of equipment that is used when you are either tracking or panning. when we took the dolly to film we had a problem. The pavements were uneven and that made it difficult to film as the camera would keep shaking as the pavement wasn't flat.

In order to use the dolly you need to connect the feet of the tripod to the dolly.

Posted By SilverLight Productions

Equipment used: The Light

The light was very useful as it had different layers of light. It was also very powerful and lasted for a significant amount of time. The different layers had different colours, which was very helpful as we was able to change the colour of the light. This was a very good feature which enabled us to change the mood of the short film, through the light. As you can see we are able to put the light on the microphone which made things much easier as we didn’t need to hold the light which would have made things harder. This was a excellent equipment which benefited us in many ways.

Posted By SilverLight Productions

Equipment Used To Film: Camera

This was the camera we filmed with it is an incredibly small size, and providing HDV with the 1080i standard, HVR-A1E offers a host of advanced features for professional use. One feature that helped us was being able to slow down the speed of filming which created a slow motion affect. We also used the feature of night vision as when we had to film outside in the night the light was not strong enough therefore, night vision helped us significantly.

Using technology such as CMOS means the HVR-A1E is an ultra-compact camcorder capable of providing HDV in full 1080 line resolution.

The HVR-A1E provides users a migration path from Standard Definition whilst retaining the qualities of the popular DVCAM range such as ease of use and i.LINK (IEEE1394) connectivity.

Posted By SilverLight Productions

Equipment Used To Film: Tripod

The Tripod very useful equipment as when taking a number of shots the tripod enabled us to put the camera on it which steadied the shots we took. We was able to adjust the height of the tripod, for example when we needed a high angle shot we would just increase the height of the tripod which made life much easier for us. The tripod was used for motion and provided us with stability.

Posted By SilverLight Productions

Equipment Used To Edit And Upload Short Film

This is the Mac Book Pro. The slogan for the laptop is “the fastest, most powerful MacBook Pro ever. Times three”. Just the slogan shows how much of a good laptop it is. It is very slim and easy to carry around, as it is light and very unique. You can connect it to the internet in two ways, wirelessly, which is the modern way in society to connect to the internet or connect it to an ethenet cable. This shows that you can connect to the internet in these ways, which is why most of the world has access to the internet.   
 It has new features like:
New Intel Core i5 and Core i7 processors – 
The 15- and 17-inch MacBook Pro feature the fastest dual-core processors available, which boost performance up to 50 per cent
Next-generation NVIDIA graphics – 
With faster graphics than ever before, MacBook Pro brings high performance to everything from 3D games to photos and videos. 
Up to 10 hours of battery life – 
The battery in the new 13-inch MacBook Pro lasts up to 10 hours (8 to 9 hours on the 15- and 17-inch MacBook Pro) on a single charge.
Precision aluminium unibody enclosure - From one solid piece of aluminium comes a MacBook Pro that’s thin and light, beautifully streamlined, and durable.
These features make it that better than other laptops as these features make the MacBook Pro what it is. 

This is the new Final cut pro, which is used by all editors. The programme is used to edit video shots into a movie. You are not able to use the final cut 7 on any other computer or laptop as it is specifically designed for the MacBook Pro. In order to have the programme all you have to do is download it. 

Posted By SilverLight Productions

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Individual Posters' Tag Lines

Because we were inspired by 'The Hangover' posters then we had to come up with catch phrases for each character, as in "The Hungover" posters. We had to watch our film and analyse each character and pick up phrases that will be relevant and that the audience can relate to after watching the film. This is what we came up with:

BAKER: "Where is my jacket?"
RAHIL: "I need a man!!!"
ALI: "Where is my girls at?"
TATIANA: "You hurt me, so be careful!"
ALI & TATIANA: "Is that my dog?" AND "You wish!!!"
RAHIL & BAKER: "Your brother is coming!!!" AND "Hold me tight!!!"

This catch phrases will go at the bottom of each poster to represent what each character stands for.

Posted By SilverLight Productions

Individual poster inspiration

The film that inspired us was The Hangover, so i was doing some research and found that they did a poster for each character in the film, with a quote from the film at the bottom and the title at the top so we decided to do this as i thought it was very creative and personal.
We were inspired by 'The Hangover' for our genre, main theme and focus in the film.
So we looked at 'The Hangover' official poster and decided that it will also be a great inspiration, as in the poster the main focus are the characters and that is what we want to focus on with our film. Also, the poster is very simple but eye-catching and this is what we want our whole production to be like. 'We want to keep it simple, however making sure that it has a great impact on the audience'. The poster uses a lot of background light which we probably will not use as these lights represent Vegas.

Looking at the poster for 'The Hangover' i came across something very creative, eve-catching and interesting. I realised that they have created individual posters for each and every character in the film. We decided this will be a good idea to use as it helps the audience feel closer to the characters and engage with them; it also emphasizes on how important the characters are in the film. I personally think this is a much more interesting and exciting feature for the audience and think it can make our film very successful.

Posted By SilverLight Productions

Monday 11 October 2010

Alan Carr inspiration

Alan Carr is British comedian who mostly specialises in chat shows and presenting shows. His most famous show is on channel 4 which is about him having conversations with famous stars, asking those questions, making fun out of them and just making jokes to create humour and comedy which is the genre of the show. Alan Carr inspired us as we made Rahil one of the characters in our film similar to him, as Alan Carr uses a feminine squeaky voice; we made Rahil do the same and also act a bit feminine to make Rahil look gayer due to Rahil being gay in the film. Also Alan Carr has a bit of a feminine posture and the way he acts is a bit feminine, therefore this inspired us and gave us the idea to make Rahil the same and give him the same posture and the way he acts as this would be great for his role in the film.

Posted By SilverLight Productions

Sayeed and Christian from Eastenders

Baker and Rahil are two characters in the short film that start to get intimate with each other. Baker is denial of his sexuallity as he puts on a frunt to hide his emotions towards Rahil. Sayeed was the perfect inspiration to him as he is also denial of his sexuallity in the soap Eastenders. We wanted Baker to act a bit like Sayeed, but be more denial of the way he feels. Baker and Rahil are two charaters that see each other and want to have a relationship but can't due to the fact that Baker was one of Ali's best friends. Baker also doesn't want to lose his pride just like Sayeed in Eastenders.

Posted By SilverLight Productions

Russell Brand Inspiration

Russell Brand is a British comedian who mostly specialises in chat shows and presenting shows. His most famous show is “Russell Brand Ponderland” which is about him giving a series of monologues in a stand-up style, interspersed with old television and video footage. It is a BAFTA nominated comedy on the British television station Channel 4. He is also an Actor that has appeared in several films, including the romantic comedy film Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Bedtime Stories, St Trinian's, Get Him to the Greek, and most recently, Despicable Me. Russell Brand inspired us as we made Rahil, one of the characters in our short film similar to him. Russell Brands persona is similar to that of Rahil’s, in terms of attire, personality, and femininity. We thought he is a good inspiration for Rahil as he helps Rahil become that character he is in the short film.

Posted By SilverLight Productions

Gok wan inspiration

Gok wan is British fashion guru and famous program presenter, who mostly specialises in tv programs such as how to look good naked and other fashion programs. He is mostly known for his show how to look good naked, which is about him with some women who are concious about there bodies and dont think they look good naked. Gok Wan influenced us in many ways as he helped us think about what to make rahil wear, due to Gok being homosexual we looked at what he wears and how he acts and addressed that to Rahil in our film. Furthermore we looked at |Goks clothes in depth as his clothes are really tite and looking at the homosexual stereotypes, we identified homsexuals usually wear tight clothes therefore we made Rahil wear really tight clothes so we can give him a more homosexual look.

Posted By SilverLight Productions

Shank Trailer inspiration

Shank is a 2009 drama film, the film is about a troubled teenage gang member named Cal, who tries to hide his sexuality from the other members of the gang. This film gave us some inspirations as our film has a similiar plot, however it does not involve a gang but involves a best friend and brother. Baker and Rahil can relate mostly to this film as Baker is Ali's old friend and Rahil is Ali's brother, Rahil is open about his sexuality and shows that he is gay, however Baker tries to hide his sexuality but deep inside has feelings for men and feels something for Ali's brother therefore Baker and Rahil have to show there love to each other discreetly.

Posted By SilverLight Productions

Some Of Our Influences/Inspirations...

Sunday 10 October 2010

Props used in short film


This was used to represent Tatiana’s character. Tatiana is a character that is flirtatious and rich. Therefore, we needed a prop that made her seem like this character. We used a Burberry bag, as Burberry are a Luxury Brand that are well known around the world for the goods they provide to their customers. We thought this would be an excellent prop to use which will show what type of character she is.


This prop was used to represent Ali’s character. Ali is a character that acts like a gangster who wants to impress all the girls. We thought a chain would be the perfect prop that makes him seem cool. Chains are usually worn by youths in gang’s; these items make them seem like common thugs and that is the impression they want to get across to other youths. Gangsters in society are seen as dangerous and violent this is not the impression we wanted the audience to get with Ali, he is more like a “sweet boy” who tries to be a “gangster”.

Posted By SilverLight Productions

Props: Watch & Ring

Ali was a gangster wannabe in the play therefore; we needed some props that would make him seem like that character. We thought that a watch would be a good prop to use as well as a ring. These are common items that gangsters were to make them selves seem rich and cool. This helped Ali look more like a gangster and helped him get into role. Watches and rings are common items that gangsters were, this is the impression we wanted to get across to the audience with Ali’s character.

Props: Shisha Pipe

We used a Shisha Pipe in our short film that was used to make the character (Baker) seem cool. We thought that a Shisha pipe will help him get into character more. Baker was able to smoke out shapes which again helped him get into character more, as we thought this would help the audience understand him more as he plays a vital role in the short film. He was able to bring out circle shapes, heart shapes etc. A Shisha pipe is an item that mostly teenagers smoke, so we thought that it would be a useful prop to use.

The Green Room Props: Lighting

The Green room is set up with a Colortran lighting system which was very useful for this scene as it helped majorly to make this scene realistic.

The Green Room Props: Curtains

This are the props we used in the Green room for the club scene.

We wanted to only use black curtains to give the scene a more night-like setting but the black curtains in the Green room weren't wide enough to cover the entire room so we had to use green curtains as well. However, the room was dark so the difference between the black and green curtains was not a major and very visible issue.

Posted by Silverlight productions

Saturday 9 October 2010

Costumes: Tatiana

I decided to wear a red coat because the colour red represents love, passion and danger and this reflects to what my character represents. The love and passion that Ali feels for me as he is not an expert with girls so therefore he's frigile to his feelings. And the danger that i represent when i try to get my revenge on Ali for hurting my feelings.

A plain black pencil skirt is versatile, classy and sexy; it looks feminine but still powerful which is flattering. These factors made this skirt the perfect garnment to wear as it reflects on Ali's first impressions of me. The purpose of a pencil skirt is to shape and this attracts men's attention which is what i wanted from Ali.

Posted By SilverLight Productions