Friday 24 September 2010

Sex And The City 2

The conventions of this poster are very clear to the audience, they draw the audience in immediately to what’s more important, the actors. It is obvious that the actors in this film are far much more important than the film itself; we can tell this by the fact that the title is merely visible while the actors take up the whole space. Sarah Jessica Parker is the most recognised actress out of the four therefore she is the main character and always at the front, at the same time her dress is covering the lower part of the other characters, again emphasising on her important role in the film.

We can also see Sarah Jessica’s significance by the proxemics, as she is the one in the middle and also up front at all times and even in the first Sex and The City film, as well as the series. The poster of the first film only has Sarah Jessica Parker in it as well as only her name at the top; it also has the “Save the date” tagline whereas this poster does not have a tagline.
At the top of the poster, we see the actors’ names and again Sarah Jessica Parker’s name is first, the bottom in bold and capital letters we see the release date to again draw the audience’s attention. The shot chosen makes the characters look very tall.
The first impression we get from this poster is the feminine genre of the film. We can see that this film is definitely aimed for women, the bright colours used, the elegant and expensive clothing, the glitter and the group of girls. The colours and costumes used in this poster reflect on the characters’ personalities.
The lighting used is very bright. The background is the sky at the top and there is a light coming from it which makes the actors look angelic. The costumes play a big part as Sara Jessica’s dress takes up half of the space, this reflects on how important fashion and glamour is on Sex and the City. The title looks like cameras flashing onto it, which suggests fame, glamour and the red carpet. Sarah Jessica Parker is the only one wearing make-up. She has a bright blue eye shadow and her hair looks stunning.

Overall, the poster is successful in the aspect of showing the genre on the film and a rough idea of what the film is going to be about. I think the poster is very attractive to the female audience and therefore they will be intrigued to go and watch the film.

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