Wednesday 15 September 2010

Sexy Pig

The opening shot of the sequence is a long shot. This shows the audience the location, where the short film is set. In the long shot there is a man wearing a hoodie, holding a bag, and smoking a cigarette. He is a young teenager who seems serious and much focused in what he is looking at. Through the characters facial expressions and body language the audience can interpret that he is about to do something mischievous, a typical stereotype to how young teenagers are scene in today’s society.  
As the sequence goes on we hear some sound come into the short film. The sound we hear is non diegetic sound which has been put in to create some kind of effect and feeling. As the young teenager breaks into the house the soundtrack fades away, as if to tell the audience something dramatic is about to happen.
When the door closes the soundtrack starts playing again and the scene changes to the hands of the teenager knocking of some plants. The teenager carries on looking for expensive goods and picks up a Viking helmet and horn then starts blowing it.  This changes the audience’s view of the teenager being very serious and focused to being very childish.
As the teenager is looking inside some drawers the phone starts ringing. At this point his facial expressions tell the audience that he is very worried and confused in what to do. The phone carries on ringing and he walks up towards the phone. As he starts walking up towards the phone there is a focus pull from the phone to the teenagers face.  This is used to show the teenagers expressions. A couple seconds pass by and the teenager is relived as the phone stops ringing. He turns around and starts walking back towards the room and as he does so the phone starts ringing again. As soon as the phone started ringing the teenager immediately stops and turns around.
We see a close up of the teenager’s face showing the audience his facial expressions of how anxious and worried he looks. This is also used to show the audience that the phone is a big distraction to him, which makes him, look inexperienced and maybe immature as in a professional robbery this would be unusual. As the phone carries on ringing, he moves closer and closer to it and just stares with fear and curiosity in his eyes. He stands in front of the phone and decides to pick up and start talking to the person on the line.

The short film has a convention of a thief however nowadays thieves are not reflected in this way as the thieve in the short film gets distracted by the phone call and lets his sexual feelings takeover. Oceans 11 has the same features only the convention is to do the job professionally, have a main objective of not getting caught and getting out as quick as possible, however in this short film it is particularly unusual and subverts the convention as thieves are more cautious and aware of there surroundings.

Overall the audiences view on the character changes throughout this clip. In the beginning when the character is introduced for the first time in the opening scene, the audience gets the impression that he is up the something; the way he is standing makes me look suspicious as if he was waiting for something to happen. Then in the middle of the sequence when he is already inside the house, we see him picking up a Viking helmet and horn and playing around which again makes him look unprofessional and childish. Towards the end of the clip however, the audience starts to feel sympathy for him but at the same time disgust because of how desperate he is.   
Posted By SilverLight Productions

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