Saturday 25 September 2010

Monster magazine article analysis

The “Monster” magazine article review displays 1 large image on the first page which catches the readers attention immediately as it takes the space of most of the first page, the second page has two images one over another and they both link to each other as there is a caption which explains both images and gives audiences an idea of what the film is about looking at the two images.
In the background there is information on how the film was made and what influenced them.

The first image looks like there is a male in his 30’s with a camera standing in a weird looking setting, looks like a scrap yard. This gives audiences something to think about as it will allow them to wonder about why the male is holding a camera and what does he want to take pictures of. The second and third images are linked together and the one on top looks like some sort of spaceship, which gives audiences an idea why the film is named monsters as space ships are common with monsters. The second image looks like an arm over a weird looking animal/monster this represents the title of the film as its called monsters. This gives audience the feeling that the film will have many different unusual creatures and the film will feel like a sci-fi action film. All the images bring catch the attention of the audience as the images are large and give them an idea of what the film will be about.

All the text used has a formal font style and with colour of the font being plain black this shows that the film is serious and is not a humorous film, this also gives the audience a feeling that film will be about a serious matter and will have humorless storyline.

The title is written in a bluish/greenish colour, this shows that it may be about weird creatures as there are many stereotypes which suggest monsters are green or blue. Furthermore the font of the title is quite formal, this suggests that the film is about a serious matter and the story has a bold outline and setting.

There are a couple of comments to suggest how good the film is from other newspapers and well known people. This is a technique used to help the film get more sales and promote it, as more people will go to watch it due to the good critism from the well known people also it helps improve the films level of popularity because the more people say its good, the more people will watch it, in other words this technique is called word of mouth.
Overall the article explains briefly the outline of the story for those who are considering to watch it, and as we move in the article you will learn more in depth information and the story will be more clear to the audience who will want to watch it.

The review is really conventional throughout the magazine article as the brand identity is pretty obvious due to the colour schemes used, the font used and the layout of the article.

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