Saturday 25 September 2010

Road Magazine Review Analysis

All three images used in the article show the audience how much in need the father and son are of money, as the pictures show the viewer that they are struggling and give an idea of the kind of film it is going to be. The picture on the top left show the father’s facial expressions and makes the audience feel sympathy towards him. The picture on the top right shows the father holding onto the son as if to say that he has no more strength to carry on and that they only have each other.
The font used for the title is simple, clear and straight forward. The article is more focused on the characters than the title, as seen through the range of pictures used. This is because the characters used in the film are well-known and famous.
The title is written in white with big capital letters. The text on the article is in simple font which is clear to read and understand.
There are a couple of comments by newspapers on how good the film is. This helps advertise the film and promote it as the comments will encourage the audience to go and watch the film. This is a clever way of advertising as it is cheaper and a good technique in engaging the audience’s attention in going to see it. The article also tells the audience how well rated the movie is which is an important point for the viewer.
The article gives the audience a load of information and the layout of the article makes that information comes out clearly. The pictures are shown as the biggest thing in the article as they have chosen that to be the focus point. The director has the pictures to be the main focus point as he/she feels that is what will engage the audience to come and watch the film. There are paragraphs of what the film is about and what impact the director wanted there to be when people go and watch the film underneath the pictures. There are five paragraphs laid out one-by-one underneath the pictures which make the article quite descriptive.
At the bottom of the article there are three lines in bold blue which say The road is a harrowing tale about the fragility of humanity but one that offers a note of hope to”.  This gives the viewer a hint of what the film is going to be about. This is done to make the viewer want to go and see the film, and want to know what is going to happen. As the sentence makes the viewer gain an interest in what hope there is to offer. 

Posted By SilverLight Productions

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