Friday 24 September 2010

The Ugly Truth

The two characters in the poster have the same posture and facial expression, only they are looking different ways and are separated by a big, dark barrier which suggests rivalry. Their names at the top are also separated by the same barrier. The use of red symbolises love, passion and lust. This all imply that this is comedy romance.
 However, the characters do have something in common, the heart they are both holing. The female character is holding her heart close to her brain whilst the male character is holding his close to his penis; this might be due to the saying that:“women think with their brain and men think with their penis”, again emphasising the opposition between the two. They are both dressed very elegantly which suggests upper class but also, they are dressed as though they are going on a date which contrasts the genre of the film. The female character is wearing red and the male character is wearing blue, this is a representation of Femininity and Masculinity.
The title is below the actors and right in the middle. The word ‘ugly’ is in bold; this might be due to the revolting foe that will be unleashed between these two. The fact that the background is white makes the red stand out and therefore the attention is mostly drawn to her, as she is wearing all red. The billing block is written in white and as the background is also white then it is merely visible. At the very bottom, in the middle is the release date in black, bold capital letters.

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