Thursday 23 September 2010

How To Tell When A Relationship Is Over In 90 Seconds

The short film starts of with a number of snap shots of the two characters laughing and joking about. This tells the audience that the two characters are happy and enjoy each others company. The last snap shot contrasts to the others, as the two characters facial expressions are serious, and it seems as if they are both very board and have nothing to talk about.
Before the next scene there is a title card that says “you find the other person annoying” this is used to add a comedic effect. There is a mid shot of the couple sitting down not talking. The male character decides to give her a nudge with his fist, as a sign of closeness. In reply, the woman punches him with all her power. This is done to show humour and get a reaction from the audience.
Before the next scene there is a title card that lets the audience know what is going to happen next. “You get a list of all your faults”. There is a mid shot of the male character, however we can see the women in the foreground standing up, and this tells the audience that she is either annoyed or angry with the man. She hands him a pile of paper, and then hands him an even bigger pile of paper saying “I made a list of all your faults, that’s the index this is the list”. Again there is humour used as the smaller pile is the index and the bigger pile is the faults made by the male character. This tells the audience that the male character makes a number of faults in their relationship; however it also tells the audience that she is insecure.   
Before the start of the next scene the title card says “you try to get the magic back”. The scene starts of with a mid shot of the two characters, with a bottle of wine on the table with two glasses. This tells the audience that the scene is going to be romantic and there is going to be some kind of romance in the scene. The male character kisses the girl, she tries to kiss him back, but she vomits on his shirt. This tells the audience that she is not attracted to him anymore and that she feels sick when she tries to kiss him.
Before the start of the next scene the title card says “some things don’t seem to make sense”. There is a mid shot of the characters. The man is sitting down and the woman is hugging a man. When the audience sees the woman hugging another man we immediately think that she is cheating on him and he is fine with that. She says to him that she is gay and starts kissing the other man. To a normal guy this will be unacceptable and disrespectful, however to him its ok.
The short finishes of with a mid shot of the male character sitting down on his on. His facial expressions tell the audience that he is lonely and upset that his girlfriend has left him. Before the start of the scene the title card said “The other person isn’t there anymore”. Immediately the audience know that one of the two have left and the other person is left on there own, in this case it was the male character.
Overall, each scene is separated by a title card which says, for example “you find the other person annoying”. This is done to add a comedic effect which reflects to the genre of the short film. After each title card there is a scene that shows the audience what the title card was saying. So before each scene starts the audience know what to expect, however in each scene there is some kind of humour used.

Posted By SilverLight Productions

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