Thursday 23 September 2010

The Black Hole Analysis

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The opening shot of this short film is a long shot of the office with the word black hole appearing bold and wide to keep the focus on the title instead of the office in the background, it then zooms in, and there is a close up of a male in his late 30’s looking exhausted and miserable with his work in the office. This is an affect caused as it shows the audience the fact that he is depressed due to the the male working in an office, this is shown by firstly identifying the office then zooming in to the expressions of the male. The audience can immediately tell that the man is hard working and lives a difficult life as he looks really tired and looks really scruffy.

The second shot is a very close up of the photocopying button and you can see a close up of the man pressing the button, straight after that shot you see a mid-shot of the male standing looking very upset. This suggests that he has no passion for work and that his motivation is very low, furthermore it gives audiences an impression that he is working overtime as there is no one in the office other than the male.

After we see another close up of the photocopying button, but this time we see the male pressing the button repeatedly as he is frustrated due to the photocopier malfunctioning. Eventually the photocopier works, however it prints out a black hole, at this point this makes the audiences think about what is going on and they get an idea of why the film is named the black hole. After we see the male picking up the paper with the black hole, we then see a close up of his face, looking at his facial expressions we see that he finds the image of a black hole unusual and he is confused about how it printed. The man then places the image on the photocopier and as he drinks the water he places the cup over the image, however it goes straight through the paper, this confuses the man a lot, and he starts to do all kinds of stuff with the paper like stealing chocolate through the vending machine by placing the paper over it and sticking his hand through the paper. We also see a close up of the mans face as he is holding the paper and a chocolate in the other hand he looks really amused and as he eats on his chocolate evil thoughts come to his mind as he looks at the keep out door straight away, this suggests that he has some sort of thoughts going through his head and he is planning on doing something, this makes the audience eager to know about what happens next and what the outcome of his actions will be. 

The next shot is him opening the door through the other side using the paper. As he opens the door straight away his thoughts go to the safe and stealing is on his mind. He then places the paper on the safe and we see a close up of his hand reaching inside the safe and picking up cash loads of money. At this stage the audience will have mixed feelings about what he is doing as he is eager to get money due to his miserable life, exhausting and dull job, however some audiences may think that he is making money in a sinful way and needs to make money legitimately even if he has to sit through a boring office doing dull work. 
The next shot is a close up of the male going inside the safe through the paper. This shows the man taking advantage and acting really greedy and as a result he suffers due to him being locked up in the safe because the paper falls off when he goes in.

Throughout the film the sound used is diegetic as there is no dialogue and all the sound used is in the scene therefore all the sound used is the actual sound in the scene.

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